
Friday, September 3, 2010

War of the Sweets or (how not to eat the office goodies)

Yo Mama is so fat and part of the reason I am that way is I just cannot say no. I can't say NO to the sweets in the kitchen. But I did today. It was a hard thing to do. We all know how hard it is to diet when all those goodies just keep working their way into the employee kitchen or employee lounge, whichever it is for you. For me, it is the employee kitchen and it is RIGHT outside of my office.

I have to walk through there to go to the bathroom !

Yesterday and today were especially difficult.

Yesterday there was this cake and it looked YUMMY, even from a distance. My strategy was just not to get too close to it but I could tell that it looked like maybe half vanilla and half chocolate. The best of BOTH worlds! I  stayed on the other side of the kitchen from the cake.

 I knew that if I got too close, I would be a goner.

Today was almost as bad. It looked like some other kind of cake today and I decided my strategy from yesterday worked, so I employed it again today. It worked. No cake for me.

Later in the afternoon, I was bombarded. Leftover goodies from a meeting made their way into the kitchen. Not so bad at first. Just some leftover condiment type items like onions, and hot peppers that I added to my little tomato salad.

An announcement was made that there were more goodies in the kitchen. I hear the other girls in my office go out and look and it sounds like they might have brought something back. I have to be social and partake of the goodies with them,right?? No Carol, you don't. I still go out and look. I HAVE to look.

Fear and relief all at once. I see a whole tray of cookies. All kinds of cookies. Don't look Carol. Don't even look to see what kind they are. I didn't.

 Instead, I look at the big tray of fruit that was out there too. I took some of that as well as a couple of olives and pickles that were also out there.

I walked away.....back to the office.


I am safe now.

Tomorrow is weigh in day.

Love Yo Mama


  1. Congratulations! That is quite an achievement. See you CAN do this!!! Each time you do you are building your new history of avoiding sweets and eating healthier foods!! It is a long and daily road-but you are blazing your weigh through with posts like this one. Michele

  2. Work temptations are hard. Way to go! I always feel like there is this need to fit in and I have to eat to be like them. It is getting easier I think.

  3. The office goodies are so hard to ignore, but you did great! It's the only way...ignore!

  4. Thanks everyone! Goodies seem to be a problem in almost every office.
