
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

To my Dear Christopher

Yo Mama is so fat. Sounds terrible but it is true. So to let everyone else know how this blog came to be, I will explain. The previous weekend was spent with my daughter, son, and grandson in NYC. It was very hot and we did alot of walking. By the end of the first day, I could barely walk the last few steps to my sons' apartment. The next day, we went to a Broadway show and could only get tickets up in the balcony. We had to walk up several long flights of stairs and by the second flight, I was stopped, huffing and puffing, while I watched a woman probably at least 10 years older than I am sail up the stairs past me. My children had to stop and wait for me with worried looks on their faces.
Later that night, I sat in one of my sons' chairs and it probably took me about 5 minutes get myself back out of it. The kids and I laughed hysterically. One of their favorite activities is to make fun of their mom and we had a good time with it but...
My son,my dear dear Christopher, who has worked very hard to be physically fit all of his life called me last night and pretty much read me the riot act. He told me that he was worried that he might get a call from my husband at any time saying that I had a heart attack. We don't have alot of extended family and he reminded me that I am the stable figure for both him and his sister. Most of all, he let me know that I needed to be there for my little grandson (my only one so far) and who my husband I love with all of our hearts.
This has not been the first conversation I have had like this with Christopher, there have been many. I am going to be 51 y/o this year. I have been overweight most of my life, including when I was a child. I have had high blood pressure since I was 27 y/o. I have had high cholesteral. You would think all of these would bother me and they do, I have read many diet and nutrition books. Have hired a personal trainer, been on diets. I just have not been able to stick to any of it.
Last night, I was teasing Christopher via text message. I let him know I saw the NYC pictures and texted him that "yo mama is so fat" and maybe I should start a blog. He texted me back that I was ridiculous. I texted back that I was doing it. I can be pretty hard headed.
So. Here it is folks.  I am going public. I am telling everyone I know. My goal is to lose weight, be healthier, be around for my husband, children and stepchildren, grandchildren now and in the future, and feel better and stronger. If I can help just one other person by writing this blog, then it will be worth it. I think anyone who follows this blog will realize that I don't take myself too seriously (a good trait but maybe part of my problem).  Just laugh with me and not at me. Tomorrow- weigh in and measurements and, yes, I am posting them.
Thank you Christopher. I love you.


  1. Hi,
    I was sent this by my best friend Jan. She is drumming up support for you. I will laugh with you but never laugh at you. This is a remarkable challenge you have set for yourself. I am a Registered Nurse so if you have any questions regarding nutrition or how to talk better with your doctor, I would be happy to help.
    Best of luck,

  2. Thanks for the support Trudie. I need all the help that I can get!
