
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dear Stephanie and Christopher, So why did I eat that fried chicken anyway?

Yo Mama is so fat and old habits are hard to change. You know how tired I was when I came home last night after jury duty? (whew! I got picked so the word must not have gotten around York county about my trash can episode.  At least not yet). ** See "To my Adorable Grandson.....". The plan was for us to go out or have my husband pick something up. He decided on fried chicken and I was all for it. As long as I did not have to cook. So, he brings home enough chicken to feed a small army. Twenty piece box!
I didn't just eat it last night! I at it tonight too :(

Ok Christopher, I know you are watching so here it is for the day.
I think this is day 5 soda free!

2 slices whole wheat bread with turkey, light mayo and american cheese.

Lunch: Was complements of the county while serving on jury duty so I didn't have much choice.
1/2 Subway turkey sub on whole wheat, with turkey, american cheese,lettuce, tomato, pickle, onion.
Baked lays
Chocolate chip cookie (damn I ate that too!)

1 fried chicken wing
1 fried chicken breast with most of the skin removed

Avacodo with lime and salsa

I think to keep me from making bad decisions for dinner, the best thing to do is plan the night before so I will let you know how it goes.

Exercise: I have been walking quite a bit around downtown while going to and from my parking garages, and to and from lunch. More exercise than I usually get and now up to 30 minutes on the treadmill at 2.5 mph. Thank you Beyonce for Single ladies, Put a ring on it (my treadmill dance of the night). I love to dance.
Why don't fat people dance more? Because we feel self concious. I can remember asking my parents to take dance classes when I was a kid. They told me that I could take classes if I lost some weight. How much sense did that make? This kind of thinking still goes on today for both kids and adults. So Christopher, why not a ballet class for fat people? If you taught it, we would come. Maybe. We want those long, maybe not so lean bodies too! Who knows what might happen.

BTW - Weigh in probably won't be until next week when I get back to the office. I want to stay with the same scales and that is where I weighed myself last week.

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